Corpus christi in s.pedro rates
Corpus wheat stalk in floral blanket
Barcelos fiesta decoration
Nancy drinks from holy S. Torcato H20 Photo - Gerrish
Citania de Briteiros Iron Age village 400BC-100AD
Citania meeting hall enormous roundhouse
Enjoying caf in ponte de lima
Oia monastery on galician coast
Baiona parador ocean view room
Dinner in Baiona Photo – L. Gerrish
Costa da Vela Photo: M. Daley
Inspecting the lighthouse Photo - M. Daley
Costa da Vela Photo – E. Neff
Melide Beach Photo: E. Neff
Taking a break Costa da Vela Photo-Courtesy M. Daley
Braving the Atlantic Costa da Vela Photo - E. Neff